Dr. Kohomban Goes to Washington

On May 25, CV President Jeremy Kohomban testified before the Senate Committee on Finance at their hearing entitled “No Place to Grow Up: How to Safely Reduce Reliance on Foster Care Group Homes”. CV, the only social services organization represented at the hearing, was selected because of Jeremy’s vocal stance on the need to strengthen communities and families with the goal …

Full Circle – Merger with Inwood House

In January, CV announced a pending merger with Inwood House, one of the country’s leaders in caring for pregnant and parenting teens. Inwood House is best known for its maternity residences, but the organization is also an important part of the network of pregnancy prevention education in schools in New York City. Staff are already beginning to work together and finding a …

“Proud of Who I Have Become”

At the Circle of Friends Dinner this year, keynote speaker Vaughan Thorpe spoke about how CV helped him go from a Rikers inmate to an up and coming filmmaker. “Filmmaking is the one thing that is stronger than the pull for money or nice clothes. It’s the one thing that I truly, passionately want to work at. Finding this …

There’s Always More Room at the Table

“Every time I turn around, I have new siblings! One time, I came home from school and there were twins,” Travonya exclaimed with a huge, proud smile on her face. Travonya is the oldest daughter of Tracie Snell. When Travonya was sixteen, Tracie decided to become a foster parent. Her two kids were teenagers, and she was ready …

Tracie and Cierre

I adopted Cierre when he was three years old. I knew he had suffered from abuse and neglect, but I did not realize just how deeply this experience would affect him. As a toddler, Cierre was withdrawn, listless, unable to answer even the simplest question.  It was frustrating to try to make him laugh or …

Still Waiting for the Bus

This blog originally appeared on the New York Times–Motherlode: Adventures in Parenting, and was written by KJ Dell’Antonia. Click here to see the original post. Anthony R. got up at about 4:30 Tuesday morning to get to school. “It takes me about two hours,” he told me by phone from his school at the Children’s …

Strategic Alliance with Bridge Builders

Bridge Builders Community Partnership and The Children’s Village Form a Strategic Alliance Designed to Enhance Capacity to Serve Children and Families in the Highbridge Community in the Bronx.  BRONX, NEW YORK, NY — January 17, 2013 – Bridge Builders Community Partnership Initiative (BBCPI), established in 2003 as collaboration of community-based organizations committed to improving child …

Success Stories Donte G.

Stacy Desalin did not plan to adopt Donte. “I thought I’d just be a short-term foster parent, but I was so impressed when I first met him, and he kept on impressing me so much that I knew I had to.” Donte lived at Children’s Village for five years and really struggled in school and …


My experiences have taken me across various initiatives aimed at supporting teens in need of a second chance. I began my journey with The Children’s Village as an intern while completing my MSW, and my work within the organization has been nothing short of fulfilling. Initially placed in Queens at Goddard High School and CV’s …


Traveling widened my perspective and ignited a determination to be a voice for those who may never have such opportunities. At 13, I didn’t know why I was being placed in foster care. I later found out my mother had health issues and she couldn’t take care of me or herself. By my third placement, …

Change a child's life.