Our much-anticipated proof-of-concept project in Manhattan—The Eliza, has opened! We are proud of the deep affordability, the beauty (Hudson River views), the quality of the build, and the mixed-use capacities (The New York Public Library; a performance space; a teaching kitchen; a STEM Center; a Universal PreK, a sensory room; and a community center). All designed and built in the beautiful, racially integrated Inwood neighborhood.


We believe that children and young people belong in their communities with family whenever possible, not in institutions. We meet families where they are—whether in community centers, schools, or homes.

Donec vitae pulvinar felis. Integer id fringilla lacus. Nam ornare odio ut purus malesuada, sit amet pellentesque turpis sollicitudin. Donec ornare elit et ornare viverra. Suspendisse nulla leo, aliquet vel sapien quis, eleifend semper sapien. Mauris a dui vehicula, vulputate risus aliquet, dictum sem. In ex nisi, dapibus ac luctus a, viverra a mi. Sed blandit dolor ac arcu molestie condimentum. Integer tincidunt diam et tortor laoreet.

We serve more than 21,000 youth and families a year, with a primary focus on keeping children and families together. This important work is made possible through your generous help and support. There are multiple ways you can join our efforts to help provide essential resources and opportunities to those we serve.

Discover the latest news and read more about The Children’s Village, and the youth and families we serve.


Children’s Village Annual Report

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The Power of Family in Foster Care

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Empowering Trafficking Survivors at The Children’s Village

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Donec vitae pulvinar felis. Integer id fringilla lacus. Nam ornare odio ut purus malesuada,
sit amet pellentesque turpis sollicitudin. Donec ornare elit et ornare viverra.