Do You Want to Help Directly?

As a member of the CV team, you already do so much. So please know that this is only an opportunity in case you (and your family) would like to do something more. Together, we are doing all we can to support our youth and families. But some are still struggling with emergency needs like a lack of cash for groceries, medication, and other critical items.

Please fill out the donation form below, and the Advancement team will let you know how your gift impacted a youth or family.

A few examples of our families in need…

  • A young mother recently lost her part-time job and needs $100 to feed her and her child.
  • A family who had their two children relocated to their home due to COVID-19 needs $300 in order to get enough food.
  • Undocumented parents with 5 children are struggling since the husband’s business closed. They need $150 to provide enough groceries for the family.
  • A young man who was just released from foster care and exhausted his food funds needs $100 for food and basic cold medication.
  • A family of 5 has had their working hours reduced and needs support in order to buy cleaning supplies, games, and basic clothing items. This family would happily accept anything that is offered.


Unfortunately, there are countless examples of immediate needs like this. Thank you for all that you are already doing, and if you would like to do more, please fill out the form below.


Change a child's life.