Suez Volunteer Project Nov 4 2016
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[youtube][/youtube] Want to learn more about the Village? Click here to read the most current issue of “News from the Village”. Want to help? Click here to donate. Want to volunteer? Click here to learn how.
In January, CV announced a pending merger with Inwood House, one of the country’s leaders in caring for pregnant and parenting teens. Inwood House is best known for its maternity residences, but the organization is also an important part of the network of pregnancy prevention education in schools in New York City. Staff are already beginning to work together and finding a …
I adopted Cierre when he was three years old. I knew he had suffered from abuse and neglect, but I did not realize just how deeply this experience would affect him. As a toddler, Cierre was withdrawn, listless, unable to answer even the simplest question. It was frustrating to try to make him laugh or …
This article appeared in the Summer 2014 News from the Village. On June 18, CV opened its first-ever after-school library, one that was created by and will be staffed primarily by volunteers. The new libary was dedicated to Trustee and former Board Chair Bill Krupman and his wife Anne in recognition of the Krupman family’s passion for and support …
This article appeared in the Summer 2014 News from the Village. By Hallie Cronin, 16 years old, CV Volunteer A sophomore at Ardsley High School, Hallie is one of the youngest volunteers in CV’s School-Based Mentoring program, which partners with local schools to bring creative and eager teenagers to work with CV’s youngest residents. “I used to think …
Continue reading “I have the opportunity to help people who live only five minutes away.”