For the Press

Press inquiries should be directed to Christopher Rucas, Director of Public Relations and Communications, at

Organizational History and Purpose

The Children’s Village (CV) is committed to the wellbeing of children, teens, and families by advocating for, strengthening, and reuniting families; building community partnerships; creating innovative programs; and connecting people to resources that focus on equity, basic needs, and human rights.  CV was founded in 1851 to shelter New York City’s juvenile delinquents.  Over the decades, CV has evolved to become an innovative leader in strengthening the most at-risk youth in New York’s child welfare and juvenile justice systems.  Each year, CV serves over 10,000 children and families through a variety of short-term residential and community-based programs.  We focus on keeping children safe and, whenever possible, in their community with family.

CV is distinguished from other organizations by our extensive experience and recognized capacity for effective, short-term residential interventions, the diverse populations of at-risk youth and families we serve, and the breadth of our services.  CV’s programs are part of a continuum of innovative, evidenced-based services that are at the forefront of transforming the juvenile justice and foster care systems in New York State.  Much of our work provides preventive services that intervene to support families and reduce the need for out-of-home care.  CV’s services address diverse needs such as behavioral problems, mental illness, homelessness, education, domestic violence, substance abuse, life skills training, housing, and employment.

In 2013, CV was selected by the Annie E. Casey Foundation as one of four agencies to be part of its new Provider Institute and will be offering peer technical assistance to residential agencies nationwide.  In 2012, CV was chosen as a semi-finalist (one of ten) in the New York Magazine Nonprofit Excellence Awards.  CV is currently part of a nationwide pilot project called Strategy Counts!  Funded by the Kresge Foundation, the project is designed to help human service organizations “explore, test, and gain understanding” of the use of strategy in their operations.  CV was recently reaccredited by the Council on Accreditation and was recognized as “Agency of the Year” by the Alliance for Children and Families.  President and CEO Dr. Jeremy Kohomban was honored by the Child Welfare League of America with the 2013 Award for Exemplary Innovative Service Resulting in Positive and Successful Outcomes for Children and by the Alliance for Children and Families with the Samuel Gerson Nordlinger Child Welfare Leadership Award.  CV is accredited by the Better Business Bureau, fully meeting all 20 standards for charity accountability.

Change a child's life.