CV’s Work with MST Adaptations


Many children benefit from receiving help in specialized areas. With that in mind, Children’s Village operates the following adaptations of the MST model:

MST-FIT (Family Integrated Transitions)
CV is currently partnering with the University of Washington to be a replication site for MST FIT, which is a residential aftercare model for youth leaving residential care.

MST-SA (Substance Abuse)
MST-SA is a standard MST program which concentrates on addressing youth substance abuse. It includes targeting children’s sequence of behaviors around their substance abuse, as well as empowering caregivers to drug test their youth and encourage abstinence.

MST-PSB (Problematic Sexual Behavior)
CV  initiated a program to treat youth with problematic sexual behavior, including youth adjudicated for sexual offenses, at our residential treatment center.  CV received two Federal grants to support  this work.

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